The weekend!

Well the weekend is almost over and what an interesting weekend it has been...or not lol. First of all it was Ryan's weekend to work all day on Saturday, I HATE HATE HATE those weekends. When he has that full day it feels like the week never really ends because we only get him home for a day and then its back to Briggs. Anyway that made the weekend start off sluggish just because I had nothing to look forward to then Fallon has been not sleeping for the past week and I am EXHAUSTED. She is not hungry, not wanting her paci ,not wanting anything, except for to be fussy and in the end that makes for one sleepy mommy. So I finally gave in and on Saturday called my father in law and asked for help. I hate asking for help but I needed some sleep, and to clean my house, and to shower. So anyway, after finally giving in while waiting for my father in law to come get Sully I got this plan in my head about what to do with the rest of my day. It was around noon, and I decided once Sully was gone I was gonna feed Fallon, then with any luck get her to sleep, take a quick shower, lay down for a nap, set an alarm, and then get up and clean. Well out the window went my plan! Sully left, I fed Fallon, and in the process of getting her to sleep fell asleep myself around one thirty or so and the next thing I knew I was waking back up and it was five thirty. Talk about sleepy!!! It felt good but I was mad I didn't get anything done. Why is it that when mom's get five minutes to themselves they feel they should be cleaning or cooking or just trying to get stuff done!? And then when we fall asleep instead of doing what needs to get done we feel guilty for taking some time to give ourselves some much needed rest or relaxation? Suppose that is one thing I need to learn because I am a mom who feels guilty for taking time to myself. I rarely get it, and even when I do I still feel bad for having gotten it. Anywho to wrap up my blog about the weekend....Sully stayed the night at grandpas...AWESOME stuff! Ryan and I went to bed at ten thiry last night...I felt old lol, down one kid and we were ready to pass out! I remember the days when it was like YAY no kid for the night lets stay up late, then we would still pass out at ten thirty haha! Man do kids take some energy but I love having them even if I am exhausted. We have spent our sunday doing mostly nothing. I made doughnuts this morning, we picked up Sully, and have been dealing with a cranky Fallon all day. Now its off to make dinner and get Sully in the tub in hopes of getting to bed by ten thirty again. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool blog. Its a great way to let people know how you are. Wish I were closer so I could help you get thru the fussy Miss Fallon and the active Mr. Sully. LOL I know from experience how it is to have one who is awake at night and one in the daytime. NOT FUN but you will get thru it. You are a wonderful mom and no one can say any different. We are proud of you. Just catch some naps when you can even if only for a few minutes.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love, Gma