Catching Up!!!

Well I haven't posted in a while but figured I have a few mins while Fallon is being content hanging with her daddy and Sully is watching cartoons I could jot down a few things.

Well first of all HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all!!!! I hope everyone had a great holiday and ate too much food!!! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving...aside from my dumb turkey taking waaay too long to cook. We had wonderful food and wonderful company. I missed my family that I didn't get to see but I did get to see some family that I hadn't seen in over two years, my little sisters! My brother and his girlfriend brought them to visit and oh man what a wonderful time that was. I have missed them soo much and to get to see them and introduce them to my kids and introduce my kids to them it was just blissful! They promise they are coming back before Christmas and I am gonna hold them to it!

Well lets see what else? Oh the kids! Fallon and Sully both had doc appts this month. Fallon weighs 11pds 3ozs and is 22inches long and is basically as healthy as can be!!! Sully is 46pds and 41inches tall!!!! He is HUGE!!!!!! He is also my little trooper! He got a flu shot and didn't even cry, not one tear, I was beyond proud of him for that! Sully also had a birthday! He is now three, and I am in shock, my baby is growing up waay too fast on me. His birthday was great we got him a cake and a new leapster and a few other games. He really got into opening his gifts so I am anxious to see him at Christmas when he has loads of stuff to unwrap. Fallon is doing great! Growing like a weed! She can hold her own head up and has started smiling when we talk to her and she is just happy to see us. She has also started trying to make some noises of her own but isn't quite as successful yet with the noises as she is with the smiles.

We have really had a very very busy November so far. Its been wonderful though I love staying busy. We got our Christmas tree up already and are gearing up for the busy month of December. Anyway that is a little about what our bunch has been up to!

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