My baby is 9 months old already *CRY*

Well we are all moved in!! All unpacked!! Now if only I could keep my house clean for more than an hour! I don't have time for a long post right now but I figured I would update and say YAY Fallon is nine months old today and CRY Fallon is nine months old today! She went to the doc and is doing great! Healthy as can be! 21 pds 29 inches long! Bigger than her brother by an inch at that age and she has him in weight by 8ozs! How do I know this you might ask. I ran across a height weight sheet the other day while moving from Sully's nine month check up, thought that was a cool find. Also Fallon decided to celebrate her nine month birthday by climbing onto the dish washer. CRAP! She isn't supposed to be doing that yet is she? She is already pulling up on everything, standing on her own for a few seconds at a time, using the couch as a prop to help her walk from one end of it to the other, sitting, crawling, eating finger foods, yelling at Sully when he ticks her off, and she is spoiled as can be! I am sad my baby is growing up. Guess I knew that would happen sooner or later. Her brother is a different story all together lately! Promise to post about that soon, wanted to make this post about Miss Fallon. Anywho hope everyone is well! I am off to attempt to get this place cleaned before dinner with Miss Sara tonight!

1 comment:

Annie said...

They grow up fast, esp from 6 months to 1 year. Everyday they're changing and doing something different. It is sad, but the toddler years are fun too haha :) Atleast you have those to look forward to ;)