Quick! Quick!

Well don't have much time today trying to get the house spic and span for a visit from the MIL tomorrow! Yesterday Sully had to be taken to the ER. He decided that climbing into Fallon's crib looked like fun but when he heard me coming figured he would be in trouble so he jumped down really quickly and in the process hurt his foot. He was limping and didn't want to stand on it and saying it hurt and all so Daddy took him in. He got his first x-ray, the machine scared him a little I am told. No break! Just a sprained ankle that should feel better in a few days. Now today if I could just keep him out of the crib! I am afraid he is gonna jump out again and finish the job and fully break his ankle. I am very funny today because I have caught him in there twice and he keeps trying to jump but here I come running up catching him mid jump or right before, he thinks I am funny, I am freaking out! What is it with kids and giving their parents heart attacks and gray hair! YES I at 23 have found a total of four gray hairs already OMG! This is not good! I can't blame those on just the kids I have to say the hubby is part to blame for them. Really aside from Sully's adventure and Fallon waking up with a HUGE scratch on her nose (I imagine you will see in pictures soon) yesterday was uneventful. I think Fallon got the scratch from my bad mommy moment on Monday. She must have scratched it when she fell. Its yucky looking. Anyway I must go enjoy hump day! Yay my week is looking up! No pics from yesterday so this post is being graced with a random something (looks like I have chosen a random of Sully's first time ever swimming!! He is only just over a year old in this pic.)

1 comment:

Annie said...

Oh golly. Kids are a handful, literally, esp when you're trying to catch them from jumping off things! Ha! I wish I could say it gets better, but it doesn't, atleast until they're much older ;). As for Fallon's scratch...it happens to the best of us. There are going to be many to come. Hang in there!!