Hello there!

Hello there my wonderful blog readers! How have you all been? Things have been alright here. Lots of new changes in our daily routines that I need to update about and even new changes to the blog look. Hope you guys like the new look! Well it's Wednesday, hump day as some would call it, and I couldn't be happier. Feels like this week is dragging by and it's been a bad one so far, I think it's the rain...makes a person gloomy. Anyway some of the fun new stuff that's been going on around here....Sully spouts off some very funny things these days. For example the other day, he was climbing on the counter in my bathroom, I walked up behind and caught him, told him to get down, and gave him a quick pat on the toosh, well he turns to me and says, "Mom, that was NOT necessary!" I was stunned a bit by that one. Where did he learn the word, and know how to use it in the right context? Where he learns most thing I suppose,...from me lol! Still doesn't change the shock!!! Sully and I have started an arts and crafts/science/anything fun really time when Fallon is napping. So far we have done all sorts of paintings and made Mr. Sully an art wall for his fun new stuff, we have also been doing pop bottle science, salt dough, and a bunch of other stuff. I am gonna start trying to blog and add pics of what we do during that daily so stay tuned and wish me luck!
Fallon hasn't changed much. She's learning new words and actions daily...still she refuses to stay Mama unless she absolutely wants me...not sure why that is. Funny Fallon story...the other day Sully went into the bathroom and went potty, Fallon went in to the bathroom after Sully was finished and proceeded to go thru the exact same motions...only trouble is she thinks she's supposed to pee like a boy...guess that means it's time to pull out the little kiddo potty for Miss Fallon and teach her how to pee like a girl.
Pics are from this last weekend....it was gorgeous out so we bought some bubbles, grilled out, and enjoyed the weather!!! Happy Hump Day and enjoy!!!

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