Clean, clean, cleaning day!!!!

Well nothing like a day of cleaning to get ya exhausted! That's what I did yesterday clean, clean, cleaned! Scrubbed the floors, vacuumed, did dishes, did laundry, you name I did it yesterday! While I scrubbed away at my house my kids just played away. Fallon following me from room to room, Sully pulling Fallon where he wanted her to go. OY! That boy! He decided that he thinks it's ok to pull Fallon around by her feet so she gets to where he wants her faster. This is a BIG problem for me so Sully got lots of time outs yesterday, not a very good day for him. Fallon seemed to have a decent day yesterday. Not as much screaming as the rest of the week, guess her teeth have taken a break from torturing her for the moment. Fallon also had one other fun thing happen yesterday besides a break from teething pain. She can sit up as long as we sit her up she can balance and get back to crawling and all but yesterday for the first time ever she sat herself up!!!! Yay for baby accomplishments!!! So basically a break down of the evening was this: I got the house cleaned, got the kids showered, got myself showered, got dinner on the table, made my hubby clean up from dinner, then had an interesting conversation with my friend Bridget, while Ry gave the kiddos a bath, after the bath they were off to bed and so were we. A pretty successful day, got lots done. too bad I had to get up this morning and see more dishes to be done and more laundry to be washed. So goes the life of a mommy. At least I have some cute kiddos to look at!!!!!!

1 comment:

Annie said...

aww, thats wonderful!