Fun Stuff from Yesterday!!!!

Well we had a very very busy day yesterday! We did all kinds of fun stuff! Ryan and I went and recycled then went to a farmer's market here in town. Bought a few fun random things. After that we came home to pick up our munchkins and save Aunt Courtney's sanity. We got the kiddos and went to visit grandpa! Got a few fun pics of Fallon with grandpa FINALLY! Then we decided a nice trip to the park was in order so with grandpa along for the ride we went and let Sully run around and go crazy at the park!!!! I loved it! Fallon napped thru all of this. Then we went and did some grocery shopping and brought ourselves home. Exhausted we had some pizza for dinner put the kids to bed and instead of going to bed early we stayed up and played board games with my sister and her bf. All in all a great day!!! Nothing too funny and random I can think of to report, well Ry just told me that Fallon was crawling in circles around him just to climb over his legs that's pretty funny, wish I had pics of that! Oh while we were at the park, Sully wanted to go down the slide and there was a big kid just sitting in the slide and he wouldn't go down so Sully, becoming impatient decided he was gonna give this kid a helpful push down the slide. I personally was thinking GOOD JOB! But also thinking that's not a good habit to get into. So there ya go fun stories from our day!!! Happy Mother's Day everyone!!!!!

This is where you could find Fallon and Ry during most of our park fun lol!

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